Talismans and amulets for luck, wealth and happiness

What person does not want to be happy and rich? The question is clearly rhetorical. But, firstly, not everyone has the same preconditions, and secondly, for some reason the whimsical Fortune worships some and openly ignores others.

talismans and ammulets for good luck

What you need to learn: Properly selected and filled talismans attract money and luck, regardless of property, religion, race, gender and other affiliations. But they work more effectively if their owners sincerely believe in the miraculous properties of jewelry, items, symbols, and other things that can play the role of shoots.

Silver pendant-amulet Money for good luck

Classification of talismans and amulets

All amulets and talismans can be divided into about four broad groups to attract luck and money. Let's look at each one in turn.


You can buy spells and spells in the store. In this case, you need to take into account both your parameters (zodiac sign, gender, age, energy, etc. ), as well as what you expect from the spell. It is an accessory embroidered in the form of a jewelry, figurine, dress or sacred symbol, and so on.


Experienced astrologers and magicians know that a person's talisman can be found everywhere: the sea can be gravel, a coin, a four-leaf clover leaf. Make no mistake here: you will feel a kind of kinship with this object and the internal heat emanating from it.


A person without magical abilities can make a happy amulet with his own hands: melt from wax, sew, weave from silver wire - the choice is endless. Such a talisman can be made for yourself or a loved one: the main thing is good intentions.

He was forgiven

Such beads need to be treated very carefully. On the one hand, if a talisman or an amulet is made / donated by a loved one, it already has positive sacred energy. On the other hand, a secret traitor can give such a thing. And if an informed dark wizard worked on it, a small thing could be caught for failures and illnesses.

Anything you love, preferably worn close to the body, or in frequent contact with it, can be a powerful talisman. It's already saturated with energy, so you don't need to be particularly perfect at cleaning and adjusting. It is enough to take small things and say: "You protect me, you bring success, you help in everything".

Powerful talismans for good luck

Success is a one-time thing that needs to be tapped at the turning point. But for some lucky people, luck goes by itself without much effort, while others are simply fatally unlucky.amulet nauz, money for good luckA spell for success in all matters can change the wave of events and draw Fortune's attention to the bearer. A person with such an amulet will issue a lucky ticket during the exam, fill an attractive vacancy, win the lottery and receive a tender in which other candidates fail. Of course, there is no 100% guarantee, but the probability of a successful coincidence of conditions increases significantly.

Extra - a description of the most powerful magic amulets for great luck and success.


Perhaps the most popular symbol of success in Slavic culture is the horseshoe. From ancient times, our ancestors hung their horseshoes on the doors and buried them under the thresholds. Now this custom is forgotten, but the horseshoe has not lost its deep sacred meaning and strong energy. Horseshoe-shaped trinkets, earrings or pendants can be excellent talismans, especially for representatives of all the signs of Sagittarius.

The handle of Israel

Externally, it is a regular red woolen thread tied to your left wrist. Even newborns can do this. Fortune Real Threads, accused in Rachel's tomb, is sold near the Western Wall, Israel. However, an informed esotericist can fill any rope in this way.

The hand of Bakhti, the hand of Khamsa, the hand of Miriam or the hand of Fatima

Fatima's hand is the oldest and most powerful amulet for success known in many cultures, from ancient Egyptians, Phoenicians and Sumerians. A stylized palm can be decorated with an eye image (for Muslims) or the Star of David or the symbol of He (for Jews). It can be available in the form of decorations, embroidery and even tattoos.

Runic characters

Futark runes are full of the deepest sacred meaning, and each has its own purpose. The strongest runes of fortune are Fehu (material component), Vuno (optimism), Ansuz (success at work), Soulu (fulfillment of desires). Runes can be used both individually and combinatorially.

Slavic talismans

The ancient Slavs sacredly believed in the miraculous power of all kinds of amulets, respected their ancestors and inspired the forces of nature. Their sacred knowledge was truly astonishing, so traditional Slavic amulets (Kolovrat, Alatyr, Velesovik, all sun symbols) still work. The greatest strength gives them silver, wood, natural fibers (especially wool and red linen).

Slavic amulet for good luck

Four-leaf clover

We have another universal amulet that brings success in everything. Finding four-leaf clover in nature is always a good sign. The Druids and the ancestors of modern Ireland religiously believed in it, and our ancestors revered it as a symbol of eternal and mutual love. Today, the four-leaf clover is a symbol of good luck all over the world and a powerful talisman against all evils.

Rabbit's foot

This natural fox is inherited from proud Indians, but there are similarities in Eastern cultures. The rabbit's hind leg has the greatest strength. In the classic version, it is necessary to wear the neck, but this is not very convenient, given that it is recommended not to show the talisman to strangers. Therefore, it is better to put your lucky paw in your pocket or bag.

Japanese amulet for good luck

The original name of this talisman is Omamori. It is a canvas-patterned bag in which you have to make notes with your wishes addressed to the gods. Omamori can be carried or hung at home, in the car, near the workplace.

sleep hunter, sleep trap

Another amulet inherited from the Indians. The Dreamcatcher hanging over the bed casts out bad dreams and evil spirits, but does not interfere with good astral beings.

amulet dreamcatcher for good luck

It can bring success to the owner of the amulet in business, financial transactions and personal relationships. At the same time, it gives him good health and heroic determination.

The charm of success only works in a positive way. That is, you should only wish good luck to yourself or to the address of the talisman gift. If you ask him for happiness to the detriment of someone (turn away, fortune, turn away from my enemy and me), you can awaken the great forces that will punish evil.

Money amulet: how to choose a talisman of wealth

No matter how much, there is never much money. But one businessman gets the most desperate deals, and the other burns where nothing has collapsed. So the second is the time to gain protection from above.

An effective money mascot looks different from great luxury to gray privacy. It can be a gold statuette with precious stones or a simple symbol written on paper.

In this case, it is important to properly activate the money amulets and talismans, so that they get energy in accordance with the external performance and desires of the owner. Now it is difficult to find a master who can properly fill the talisman, so it is better to do it yourself: it will not necessarily hurt. This can be done as follows:

  • Impregnate the amulet with the power of four elements. To do this, it is enough to sprinkle the amulet with water in turn, catch it on the wood, wave it in the air, sprinkle it with soil. You must follow the precaution to avoid damaging the talisman.
  • Pronounce a conspiracy. For example, one of the simplest might be: "One penny to one penny, one penny to one penny, fifty to fifty rubles, one ruble to one ruble, one chervonets to one gold coin, all to the court. "
  • It is sacred to believe in the power of magic. You have to hold the fox in your hands and saturate it with thoughts of chance and material well-being.

Properly activated money spells help with money and attract material wealth, but sometimes have wider applications. For example, the auspicious Tibetan amulet mentioned above, most Chinese talismans, or the Slavic Alatyr attract luck from all sides: from love to financial affairs.

Chinese talismans

The ancient Chinese were great traditionalists and pragmatists who preferred the material component of success. For this reason, almost all Chinese talismans and amulets are for wealth, which is inextricably linked with the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire with personal happiness and success.

The most popular are:

  • Hieroglyph Fu. It can be available as an embossing, hanging or other decoration. But you can draw it on paper and hang it at home or at work.
  • Golden garlic. Talismans and charms to attract money in the form of these vegetables are very popular in the Sky Empire. Golden garlic helps you stay in the cash flow, while also protecting you from evil spirits.
  • Arawana fish. The goldfish lying on the coins bring wealth and success to the house.
  • Allah Hotei. A good-natured god with a bag and a base is an excellent talisman that contributes to material well-being.
  • Three-legged frog. A solid plump amphibian is depicted sitting on a coin with a pearl in its mouth.
pul amulet God Hotei

Bamboo, mandarin ducks, carp, oranges, swallows and the like - all of these, according to the Chinese, can bring prosperity and success to the home. However, if you clearly equip the living space in accordance with the recommendations of Feng Shui, no additional eyeglasses will be required. There is no such possibility - it is enough to put a pot with a "money tree" and / or an aquarium with goldfish.

Runic characters and combinations

Each rune complex has an energy and several basic sacred meanings. The main money run is Fehuru. It can work effectively both independently and with Otala, which stabilizes the flow of funds and allows you to open new sources of enrichment.

Runic rods also work efficiently, ie complex combinations of several runes. The simplest and most popular transformation is the Money Vortex, which consists of four Fehu.

The combination of "cash flow" and "fast money" is very interesting, but without in-depth knowledge of the futark, it is difficult to create them on their own. However, the style can simply be transcribed on paper, thinking about material well-being, and then the media can be burned.

talisman for good luck and money from runic symbols


One of the most powerful amulets that attract money - themselves and in various forms. Can be:

  • Folded sheets. Example - Lucky Dollar. It can be presented as a rare banknote (for example, a two-dollar bill) or as an ordinary triangular banknote. Carry a lucky dollar in your bag or wallet.
  • Single coins. The easiest way: take a silver coin and put it in the water so that the moon is reflected on it. As soon as the reflection appears, it is necessary to say: "Just as water is filled with moonlight, so my life is filled with chance and wealth. "The coin stays in the water until the morning and then is transferred to the wallet. Coins issued in the year of birth of the owner of the talisman gain special power.
  • Coin groups. Coins can be dug, tied with red ribbon or put in a special bag. By the way, a good old pig-piggy jar full of small things can be an excellent talisman.

A precious or semi-precious stone is one of the most powerful talismans to attract income. Topaz, chrysoprase, chrysolite, carnelian, tourmaline, pomegranate and other minerals have the appropriate energy. It is extremely important to choose a stone that matches the owner's date of birth and energy.

An effective talisman for happiness: do you buy yourself?

What is personal happiness, everyone decides for himself: there are no universal formulas. Therefore, it is better to make a bouquet of happiness yourself or receive it as a gift from people who sincerely love you.

The most versatile and effective ones:

  • Happiness burdock. It is one of the most famous Slavic amulets, which visually represents a rhombus with square teeth. Happiness The value of Burdock's charm is surprisingly diverse: it brings success, material prosperity, respect for others, and the best human qualities.
  • Talisman "Knot of Happiness". Many lucky knots are known, but the most impressive of them is the Tibetan symbol of infertility Srivatsa. It can be made of wire or simply painted and hung on the wall.
  • Attractive Lucky. Lucky in the classic version, a soft doll made by hand in the Russian style. It is made of colored patches, filled with cotton, decorated with beads, coins, braids. A mandatory element is a long light blonde braid.
Happiness for talisman Good luck with onyx burdock

Any trinket is saturated with cosmic energy and can bring happiness to the owner in a format that he sees exactly. To do this, it is enough to believe in the power of the amulet, often hold the talisman in your hand and address it with clearly prepared wishes.